Is your Milk Processed or Raw?

We slowly heat our milk to 63*C and hold it there for 30 mins. These at the gentlest parameters for Pasteurisation approved in Australia. We aren’t legally allowed to sell raw milk even though we understand the health benefits – not even as cosmetic bath milk or pet milk.

Our milk is Non-Homogenised – meaning the fat molecules are still intact. The cream will eventually separate out of the liquid milk and can either be shaken to mix it back in or scooped off and enjoyed.


How do we buy your Milk?

We currently only sell milk via our dispensers in store at The Pines Pantry and at markets. You can bring your own bottle or purchase one from us to reuse as you like. If you bring a smaller or bigger container the price per litre is still the same.


Do you still offer a refund on bottles?

No, unfortunately we are no longer able to accept returns. You are responsible for washing and sterilising your own bottles before reusing them. Rinsing straight away and using the hottest cycle in your dishwasher before air drying should be sufficient.



What type of Cows do you have?

Previously we bred Holstein for many years but have selectively bred our cows with other types of cows to create a thriving cross-bred herd suitable for our farm and production. We have a mix of different genetics including Normande, Pinzgauer, Scandanavian Red and Fleckvieh. Our herd is made up of dual purpose (Dairy and Beef) animals that have good pasture conversion rates, high protein and fat rations and easy calving.


Do you use AI (Artificial Insemination) or hormones to cycle the cows?

No, we let the cows have a heat cycle naturally and run a Bull with the herd when we want them to go in calve. We don’t use any hormones at all.

Do you separate Cows and Calves?

No – this is the first season we have been able to keep calves with their Mums – it’s been something we’ve been working towards for a long time and we’re thrilled to say its going well. We will eventually have to wean them and plan to do this using a flap nose ring. Because this is still new to us we don’t have all the answers but will share what we learn as we continue down this path.


Can you tell us what happens to the bull (male) calves?

At this stage we haven’t got a solid plan. We have previously raised our male calves as beef Steers and processed them for meat at around 2-4 years. We don’t have the grazing capacity we used to so what we decide to do with them will likely be dependent on pasture availability and seasonality. The likely answer is they will be processed as Beef or on sold to other farms at some point. If you would like to discuss buying one or more then please get in touch.


What do your cows eat?

The Cows have access to fresh pasture 24 hours a day. We use biodynamic methods to increase the nutritional value of our pasture and work with nature under the pillars of regenerative farming to increase functionality of the land. We actively work to improve biodiversity, soil health, and water retention. Holistic Management is using cell grazing, recovery periods and multi-species farming to improve overall health. We don’t offer grain to the cows and very rarely feed lucerne hay if needed. The cows have access to mineral blocks to selectively lick when and if they need.


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